CANASA Quebec Regional Council
September 21, 2022
Parcours du Cerf, Longueuil, QC

The CANASA Quebec Regional Council is pleased to invite everyone in the security industry to its “Golf & Bike” event. This is an opportunity to bring together enthusiasts as well as novices of these sports for a friendly, relaxed face to face gathering of colleagues!
On behalf of the members of the Quebec Chapter Regional Council, we look forward to seeing you!
Chantal Bélanger
Quebec Regional Council President
Parcours du Cerf
2500 Boulevard Fernand-Lafontaine,
Longueuil, Quebec
J4N 1M5
8 a.m. Golf and Bike registration and driving range opens
10:30 a.m. Golf shotgun start
11 a.m. Bicyclists departure for a 70km ride
4 p.m.
Golfers and cyclists meet for the cocktail dinner and prizes
Golf Package
Including: round of golf; cart, muffin & coffee, BBQ & Beer, ball basket, cocktail dinner
Member: $210 (plus taxes)
Non-member: $245 (plus taxes)
Bike Package
Including: muffin & coffee, guides, security team, health break, cocktail dinner. Shower available at the golf club.
Member: $210 (plus taxes)
Non-member: $245 (plus taxes)
Cocktails and finger food
Member: $60 (plus taxes)
Non-member: $85 (plus taxes)
To register, visit www.canasa.org and select “Upcoming Events”
Registration closes at the end of day on Wednesday, September 14, 2022. All payments must be made prior to the event.
Refunds will only be issued for cancellations received by end of day Wednesday, September 14, 2022.
Consider donating a door prize for the door prize raffle at the golf tournament. What a great way to increase your corporate exposure at this event.
For more information:
Danielle Paquin
Canadian Security Association
1 800 538-9919 Ext. 226, OR
514 884-3343
All participants must comply with CANASA’s policies click here to view policies.
We are promoting drinking responsibly. Please don’t drink and drive.
Taxis can be called to the golf course.
Thank you to our sponsors: