Volunteer FAQs

Do I need to be a member of CANASA in order to volunteer?

Yes, volunteering is a benefit of CANASA membership.  All volunteers must be an employee of a member company, in good standing.

How long do I have to be a member in order to volunteer?
Anyone can volunteer regardless of the duration of membership, as long as membership dues are up to date.

Can I specify which committee or program I’d like to volunteer for?

Absolutely. The volunteer application allows for you to identify your preferences.

Will I be reimbursed for my travel expenses?

CANASA is a not-for-profit association with limited resources but there is coverage for  travel reimbursement under certain circumstances, per CANASA’s expense policy e.g. travel to National Board meetings.

Do I have to pay registrations fees for programs if I volunteer?

Yes. As a volunteer you are willingly donating your time and expertise. Registration fees help to support the resources available to you as a CSAE member.

I’m interested in being on the National Board of Directors. What is the process?

The election takes place every two years, the next term begins in the spring of 2019 with the election process beginning three months prior.  To join the National Board of Directors, you’ll be required to complete a nomination form when the ‘call for Directors’ is distributed to the membership through the National Office. This form will be submitted to the Nominating Committee for consideration. Ensure that you list your core competencies that will benefit the association.

Are there guidelines for the mandates of various National Committees?

Yes, this document will outline the purpose, roles and responsibilities and mandates for each.

Are there orientation / training materials to help me if I am a new volunteer?

Yes. Once you become a volunteer, you will receive a Volunteer Guide that is full of useful reference tools about the association. You will also be offered a live webinar to orient you about your role as a volunteer and to answer any questions you may have.


If you’d like to speak to someone about volunteering at CANASA you can contact us at
(800) 538-9919 or volunteer@canasa.org.

As a long-term volunteer with CANASA for more than 15 years, I have seen first-hand what a difference it makes when members get involved. CANASA members are in a unique position to address security issues that not only affect citizens and the safety of the general public, but also the future of our industry. We have the experience, expertise, and passion to create positive change.

Donald Budden, ADT