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Golden Horseshoe Breakfast Talk: Cybersecurity Imperative

Cybersecurity is no longer a topic that can be left to the largest of companies and brand names. The rate of attacks has been exponential these last few years and all experts can now agree it is no longer an “if” you will be attacked but more of a when. All companies large and small need to act now to improve on their security posture or risk a higher chance of crippling their business.

Marquis Gardens Hamilton
1050 Rymal Road East
Hamilton, ON L8W 3N6

Time: 7:30 a.m.-10 a.m.
7:30 Registration
8 a.m. Presentation
9 a.m.-10 a.m. Networking

Guest Speaker: Scott Miller Solutions Director Vertical Lift IT Solutions. Scott has been in the IT industry for over 23 years in multiple roles including program development, systems design, network and infrastructure management, cloud utilization and IT management. As an IT leader and senior leader in business strategy, Scott has seen the need to not only meet the need for a business as it relates to delivering the tools required for business success but also to ensure it is protected from the harmful digital world that surrounds a business. Over the years as systems have developed and new strategies have emerged to support and protect a business, Scott has continued to deploy the latest solutions to support the businesses he has been involved in. Scott has worked for multiple companies over the years in the areas of transportation, retail, manufacturing, and office support and a few years ago began supporting businesses in a contract and consulting capacity under his own label Vertical Lift IT Solutions. Scott support businesses developing strategy for their IT and business needs, perform IT management functions, execute projects to see meaningful change, and still loves to get his hands dirty to deliver the best solutions for a business. Scott works with a network of contract partners and have a team to deliver solutions in multiple areas. Scott loves to create effective solutions that deliver the best outcomes for a business.

Members: $10 (plus tax)
Non-members: $40 (plus tax)

For more information:
Erin Marsden Manager, Board Relations and Member Events
Tel: (905) 513-0622 ext. 230
2023-11-23 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Marquis Gardens Hamilton 1050 Rymal Road East Hamilton, ON L8W 3N6

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