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2025 Day Out At Blue Mountain

The Central Ontario Regional Council of the Canadian Security Association (CANASA) has secured a group rate for a day at Blue Mountain. You have a number of discounted options for skiing, snowboard, rentals and other winter activities at Blue Mountain.

The Canadian Security Association (CANASA) has secured a group rate for a day at Blue Mountain.

You have a number of discounted options for skiing, snowboard, rentals and other winter activities at Blue Mountain.
Lift & Rental Rates:
Lift Tickets: $67* per person
Lift Ticket & Rentals: $103* per person
Lift Ticket, Rentals, Lesson (beginners only): $123* per person
*HST 13% & VAF 1% are additional on Lift Tickets. HST 13% only on rentals.

All Access Play Rate (for non-skiers and non-snowboarders): Rate: $34 per person (plus HST 13% & VAF 1%)
Skate and Snow rentals extra and onsite

Includes: Mountain Coaster - Mountaintop Skating - Snowshoe Trail Access - Hike N Tubing - Canopy Climb Net Adventure 

The Group will meet at Blue Mountain for 9 a.m. Details on meeting up and a lunch option will be communicated closer to the date.

For question about the event please email

Blue Mountain Resort 190 Gord Canning Drive Blue Mountains, ON L9Y 1C2 CANADA

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